Antenatal Classes

A unique 3 sessions of antenatal education to enjoy a comfortable pregnancy, prepare for child birth and care for your post birth body.

Everything mums and partners need to know about pregnancy, labour and the first 6 weeks with your newborn.

A series of classes throughout your pregnancy designed to leave you both feeling informed and confident about the journey ahead.

Includes advice you don’t always receive during pregnancy on how to exercise safely, connect with your pelvic floor and how your partner can support you in labour and beyond.


Bed Wetting

Bed wetting (nocturnal enuresis) occurs when there is intermittent loss of urine (wee) during sleep in a child who is 5 years of age or older. Bed wetting is a common childhood problem however, if left untreated, can negatively impact a child’s self-esteem and limit their participation in social activities such as sleep overs. Also, parents of bed wetting children report much higher levels of daily stress.

Simply put, bed wetting may arise when there is a mismatch between night-time urine production, bladder storage ability, and a child’s ability to awaken to empty the bladder.

A thorough continence assessment is important to understand the reasons why a child is wetting at night. If you have concerns about your child’s bed wetting, please contact us

we are here to help

Some common questions about antenatal classes

  • What items do I need to take along to the hospital?
  • What can I expect before, during and after birth?
  • How can my support person assist me?
  • Any advice for post-birth?
3 classes appropriatley timed throughout your pregnancy. Welcome packs including samples and useful resources. Course outline, note taking material supplied and tea and coffee provided.